edge bond solutions image

High-performance glass edge bond solution

Airtight benefits

Durable thermally improved edge bond solutions and special components
Outstanding quality as a result of our high-precision extrusion expertise
Full range of customer service including fabrication support
Solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve building occupant comfort

Complete solutions

A significant amount of heat loss occurs through low-performing windows. A high-performance window needs a high-performance edge of glass.

As the world leader in durable thermally optimized hybrid plastic spacers for insulating glass, our edge bond solutions and special components work together to greatly reduce heat loss and make a positive impact on the reduction of global CO2 emissions.

Our solutions deliver peace of mind to our customers as part of a complete package: not only do we sell the market-leading warm edge spacer, we also provide direct on-site assistance with the set up of new and existing bending machines, as well as sourcing machine parts.

Click below for our durable thermally optimized edge bond solutions.

Solutions for the insulating glass industry

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We are proud to innovate across industries. If you have a conundrum, let us work together to find the perfect solution.